Viktorija Sēja, Galvenais ārsts
Pakāpe: DDs
Ir beigusi Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) Zobārstniecības fakultāti.
Latvijas Zobārstu asociācijas un Densply Friadent kluba biedre.
Protezēšana, protezēšana uz implantiem, estētiskā zobu restaurācija, terapeitiskā zobārstniecība
Pastāvīgi paaugstina savu kvalifikāciju, regulāri apmeklē starptautiskos kursus un seminārus:
– Digital dentistry – what’s real, what’s next? Webinar, Ivoclar vivadent, 2020, Šana, Lihtenšteina;
– Digital procedures in fixed and removable prosthetics. Webinar, Ivoclar vivadent, 2020, Šana, Lihtenšteina;
– Alpha-Bio Tec international congress for Russia, the CIS, Baltic countries and Turkey, 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
– Soft tissue and bone augmentation – successful solutions to make it minimal invasive. Front area. MEDGRUPE, 2015;
– Innovative use of ZrO2 for implant-supported restorations. What we need to do differently, than before, 2014, Lithuania;
– CE Program, Master cource in esthetic implant dentistry, School of Dental Medicine Bern, 2014, Switzerland;
– Prosthetic solutions on dental implants, CBCT, BEGO, 2013, Riga, Latvia;
– International VITA-Training for CEREC/InLab users – individualization of the VITA blocs. Advance level, 2013;
– The structurated theoretical and practical course at Academy of Dental Implantology incl. following topics: Implantology basics, Surgery planning and preparation, Surgery, augmentation and hard tissue management, Prosthetics – abutments, esthetics, Prosthetics – Edentolous Jaw, Immediate/late loading, Advanced protocols – soft and hard tissue management, Implantology business aspects, 2012, Riga, Latvia;
– Hands-on workshop Extraction socket treatment concepts, Geistlich Biomaterials, 2012, Riga, Latvia;
– The Straumann dental implant system – Advanced, 2012, Switzerland;
– Sinus lifting. Open and closed techniques. MIS Baltic, 2012, Riga, Latvia.
Diplomi un sertifikāti
Ārsta pakalpojumi